For many of you, clicking "book online" might be a first. It might be for your first bra, it might just be your first official fitting. Either way, you might have a few reservations or questions about what to expect. So here we go!
Why book a fitting?
Booking ahead allows us to make sure we have room in the store to give you the attention you deserve. It allows you to give us a little background information on what you're looking for, and gives us both a way to connect before you arrive to answer any specifics or pull items you're looking for. It also helps you put yourself first. You have an appointment, it's your time. You can say no to that chore your husband or kids could just do themselves.
Also, our bodies and needs change. 10 pounds ago (in either direction), you might have needed a different size or style. Maybe you have a dress or a shirt that needs a specific bra. Maybe you're just fed up with your bra not being right.

What will happen when I arrive?
We'll greet you, ask a few questions and head to one of our fitting rooms. They're real rooms- with doors. Full doors- all the way to the floor. No curtains or seeing your feet underneath. There are chairs in there if you need to sit. Forgiving mirrors. We did our best with the lighting. There are hooks for your things. Space.
Then what?

It'll depend. We may measure around your ribcage right where the bra goes. We may grab what we call a "fit bra" in a few sizes to try. You may already have a history with us and we've pulled some things you asked for. We can stay in the room with you while you try things on, or leave. We can help you with straps and hooks or not. You have choices. At some point, ideally the first two bras or so, we need to see you in a bra. Ideally without your shirt, but we can also check fit under one of our tight white t-shirts.
Remember, this appointment is for you. We will make suggestions, we can tell you how the bra is designed to fit. Ultimately, it's your body and your bra. We'll need your honest feedback in order to help you. We will not be offended if you don't like something. The more open you are with likes, dislikes, budget and needs versus wants, the better your selection will be.
We keep records of what sizes and styles you bought. These don't go anywhere. We don't sell your information. It helps you not have to remember- you'll probably end up with a few different sizes in different styles. We can also make notes of sizes and styles you liked but didn't buy. You can always send someone in to pick up that extra special bra or sleepwear for a special event. You can call us if you need another color (we're happy to ship!), and the next time you're in, we have a starting point.
So book your fitting today- let us help you feel amazing!