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Self Care on Valentine's Day, or any Day

Far too often, in my humble opinion, Valentine's Day is about grand gestures to please other people. Marketers play on the idea that this is your one chance to really wow your partner with the new car or big jewelry or seduce with only the sexiest lingerie.

That's a lot of pressure on one day right? Here's the thing though- we can't truly appreciate or love other people if we don't first love and appreciate ourselves. And far too often, we get so caught up in pleasing others that we forget what we truly like and feel. We get stuck in a rut. We wear bras that aren't comfortable anymore and don't suit us because that's what we've always done. We spend the time on others.

So here's an idea this Valentine's- come in and shop for just you.

Try on something you'd never buy.

Try a different size or style. You might hate it. Or not.

We'll help you find something that makes you feel amazing. and you know what just might happen? You might find you walk a little taller. You feel a little stronger. You sparkle a little more. From the inside.

That act of self care will spill out all over your relationships for the rest of the year. It's the best gift you can give yourself or someone you love- truly.

Celebrate your awesome self this Valentine's Day. Your team at La Pêche

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